Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Trip in Beijing

 Last Deevapali holiday (yeah, right before the examination week) I've been to Beijing with my mother and my brother for 6 days~! And it's autumn season which means it's very very, seriously cold. I don't really feel like typing. So, as usual, let the pictures tell the story!

At the Tian'anMen Square, it's freaking cold and hazy

One of the door in the Forbidden City. It's humongous! There are about 99 of that golden thing on the door. Why 99? It's the symbol of luck for the Chinese.
It's this thick! It's wood that is covered with metal.

"Inilah Forbidden City"

Do you know which one is male and which one is female? The lion on the top is the female because you can see that under it's paw is her young. While the lion in the picture below is a male. But I'm just wondering why the female lion step it's own young... 

Mari makan~!

In the bus....shivering...

In the silk factory, and what I'm holding is the 'kepompong ulat sutera'

Slurping tea..tak sedap~

The shadow of my brother and I in the sunny morning~
"Saya meramalkan bahawa esok, esok raya! Huhu"
At the Great Wall of China!

I'm climbing!! I'm trying hard! The staircase are humongous.
Finally! We've reached the top! And this picture shows how much we've climbed.
An artist that use his fingerprints and nail to do his masterpiece. Subhanallah~

Ni pulak guna pahat. Cantik~

At the Summer Palace. It's a very pretty place.
You know what, I hate this Minnie Mouse. Why? I just say hi and suddenly she pulled me to her side. And she won't let me go untill my mother took our picture. Right after that, she let me go and suddenly asked for money. CONNER!
I'm flying!

Our tour group

Ambik gambar dengan Beijing Olympic Stadium. Cantik~

In the bullet train.

Me and the bullet train. It's very fast. We can reach the destination that suppose to take 2 hours by car in less than 30 minutes!

This is our tour guide, Amy! 
Dah penatla...sejuk ni~~ Assalamualaikum!
Something about China

  • Teksi-teksi di China menggunakan kereta Volkswagen....(cooool~) sebab kereta-kereta di sana murah.
  • Tandas-tandas di sana tidak mempunyai paip. Mereka hanya menggunakan tisu (yikes!). Hanya paip sinki sahaja yang ada. Oleh itu, pastikan anda sediakan bekas untuk menadah air ketika di China.
  • Motosikal2 di sana menggunakan bateri dan ada yang boleh ditunggang seperti basikal.. Slow tapi eco-friendly dan  road user-friendly sebab tak ada yang merempit!
  • Pada zaman dulu, ada Maharaja Cina yang ada beratus-ratus gundik. Wow! Macam mana nak ingat semuanya?
  • Cuti umum mereka adalah panjang tak macam kita. Contohnya, Hari Pekerja kita cuti sehari je tapi diorang cuti seminggu! (Waa...that's my dream....hampir setiap minggu boleh kot kalau macam tu)
  • Beijing yang merupakan ibu negeri China sendiri mempunyai lebih 17 juta penduduk...(Woww, lebih kurang macam Malaysia tu~)


Nurul Izzah said...

iffah...nice one~!
it's cold in autumn but wait till u meet winter, it's hyper duper cold...! hehe... ;)
however, "minah baju biru" at the left side of ur blog is blocking readers...=)

LOD said...

hyper-duper cold pun, tetap n merasa jugak,hihi..
and I've fixed that minah baju biru, hehe ^.^

Sabrina Zaid said...

Wee bestnya! Lucky you! I've never been to China >.<

LOD said...

At least you've been to NZ, Sab
That's what I call luckier!

Sabrina Zaid said...

NZ dekat je :>

