Sunday, April 29, 2012

I'm an Aunt!

Just back from hostel!!

Pagi tadi kawad. So, sekarang kita berehat sebentar bersama FB dan Blogger.
Menang? Not really~

4th place from 5 teams. Ok lah tu kan~
But my cousin said," Perempuan kawad? Kelakarlah."
Suka hati dialah. He never saw me marching. So, what so funny, ha!

And, I felt very excited to go home! Because...I wanna see my sister's baby! Her first child and my first nephew! Born last week~

 When I saw him, for the first time, with my kawad uniform, "Waaa~ so cute~"

Hi there!

His name is Iliyyin Zaidan! At first I heard my mother said, "Ili Zaidan.."

 "Ili?", sounds like a girl's name.

 "Iliyyin." my mother correct me.

Ooooo. What a nice and unique name. I wonder what will people call him when he grown up?

Iliyyin? Too hard to call.
Zaidan? Sounds right to me.
Ili? Please don't..
Liyyin? -_-' Bolehla~
Zaidan pun dah ok.

And what will he call me?

Mak cik?
Mak Teh?

.....Now I realize that I'm getting old...

It's okay! Everyone's getting old! Including YOU!

And welcome, Iliyyin Zaidan, to our family~ Alhamdulillah~

So that's all for now!

