Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fiesta Ibadah

 Pejam, celik, pejam, celik, dah masuk bulan Ramadhan dah rupanya! Ya, Ramadhan! Bulan yang dikurniakan Allah istimewa buat umat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W iaitu kita!! But are we really are?
Why I ask? Because............... I don't know the answer! (and I care!)

Bila cakap pasal Ramadhan ni, perkara pertama yang biasanya terlintas di dalam fikiran setiap orang ialah PUASA.
Ada yang mengeluh: Alaaa......~  Takdelah roti canai selama sebulan!
Ada yang tersengih-sengih : Nanti buka makan ayam percik dengan sate plus cendol, esoknya pulak kat hotel
Ada yang nak 'berubah': Kalau aku puasa, bolehlah turun 30 kg..
Ada yang ....blur?

Ada yang betul-betul ingin menghayatinya. Hayatilah! Kerana ibadah ini wajib kita tunaikan untuk Allah.

Ramadhan bukan sekadar tentang puasa, ia adalah pesta ibadah untuk kita, umat Islam! Kita boleh mendapat pahala BERATUS-RATUS GANDA daripada bulan yang lain dengan beribadah dan bersedekah semata-mata!!

Senang cerita bulan Ramadhan ni boleh dipanggil sebagai bulan SALE-lah! Baca Qur'an sikit dah dapat ganjaran berganda! FUYYOOO!! Lepas tu ada yang 'limited edition' punya iaitu Solat Tarawih. Waktu bulan-bulan lain mana ada! Waktu Sale Ramadhan je ada!

Dan.....waktu, macam ni lah OUR NO.1 MOST HATED ENEMY dibelenggu! Syaitan, iblis tak dapat kacau kita for 30 DAYS!! Aman!! 
Malangnya nafsu masih mampu mengganggu kita.

Apa-apa pun, ayuhlah kita sama-sama bersungguh-sungguh dalam beribadah dan juga bertaubat kerana pintu syurga terbuka luas buat kita semua~ dan ganjaran pahalanya  BERATUS-RATUS GANDA!

AMARAN! Tawaran ini akan luput selepas 30 hari sahaja!


Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Wedding.....For Two: Kak Iman's Nikah

 Hi again! Well, this time, it's the wedding day or specifically described as 'nikah'.
My first sister's nikah was held on the evening while my second sister's was held on night on Friday.
I'm a bit lazy to type right now, so, let the pictures tell the story.

 The hantaran cake, isn't it cute~ i love i, resembles Iman love Ilman~

 My mum and my sister, sweet~

Say 'cheese'!

"Kak Iman, cepat! Pengantin lelaki dah sampai!"

That's me, bringing the hantaran

Nervously waiting for his Prince Charming~

And there you are! The bridegroom!


The 'tok kadi' was making a joke
Upstairs, watching~

A nervous smile..

The moment of truth!

And Alhamdulillah~ all praises to Allah

So, that's all for Kak Iman's nikah. Don't forget for the next post next time.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Wedding...For Two: The Preparations

 It have been a month and lots of stuff and events happened (my birthday~) either we realize it or not. 
And that includes my both sisters' wedding! But, before you see the real wedding and the reception, take a look on the preparations before the wedding~

 Goody bags for the reception

Dah penat, makanlah!

 Which one is my mum? The first from the right preparing hantaran with her friends

 My cousins, helping out on putting the carpet

 "Mak pengantin pun kena mekap jugak"

Berinai-ing, hehe

 Pelamin nikah, sweet and pretty~
My cute cousin, Ija really, really craving for that sweet red juicy strawberries, unfortunately, it's for the hantaran
( I think you're salivating right now)

So, that's all for Part 1, the preparations. See ya on part 2!

