Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dilema Budak Sekolah Agama

This is a survey that I've just done at....... .a group in Facebook.

I've done a poll and these are their responses. (it's a long post, so just bear with it)

FIRST! (26 votes)
  • "Rasa bersalah buat benda lagha tapi.......... buat jugak" 
Komen:  These days, there's too much entertainment, social webs, it's hard for us not to involve. And it's because they want to follow the trend. They don't want to be called old-fashioned. This is what I'm facing too right now.

It's okay to do these things BUT, not too excessive until you become obsessed with artists, songs and others (but that's what happening). Until it disturbs our studies! And worse, our relationship with Allah! Na'uzubillah.  Berpada-pada,ok!
 If dah rasa bersalah tu, kurangkan! 

SECOND~(23 votes)
  • "Dipandang baik oleh semua orang , tapi sebenarnya kita ni takdelah baik sangat"
Komen: Of course! You're studying in an Islamic school and you're studying about Islam. Islam teaches you to be good. Of course-lah you have to be good! Of course-lah orang pandang kita ni baik.

Memanglah kita ni tak baik sangat. Solat tak khusyuk, Surah Yasin pun kadang-kadang sangkut. Ber-twitting, Facebook sampai pagi.

Nobody's perfect. So, with those impression, why don't you take it as a motivation to try to improve yourself jadi lebih baik. Right?

THIRD...(14 votes)

  • "Di'cop' ustaz/ustazah/imam muda dan yang sewaktu dengannya" 
Komen: Biasalah! Memanglah kadang-kadang rasa macam nak bagi buku lima dekat pipi gebu mereka but, it's better that they call you ustaz/ustazah than mat rempit, right?

Ni lebih kurang je dengan yang lagi satu. Take this to also motivate yourself to be as good as ustaz/ustazah. Maybe better than that! 

  • "Tak rasa macam budak sekolah agama pun"
Komen: Kenapa ye? Tak rasa macam budak sekolah agama ke, tak rasa macam orang Islam?

Renung-renungkan. Don't blame the others. Think about it. Improve yourself, not as a 'budak sekolah agama' but as a better MUSLIM.

FORTH! (9 votes)

  • "Tak dapat nak jawab soalan agama dan B. Arab bila ditanya"
Komen: That means you have a lot to learn attention during the class! 

Tapi, kalau soalan agama atau B. Arab tahap mega tu, boleh dimaafkanlah kot.

FIFTH...(7 votes)

  • "Nak tegur ke tak nak?"
Komen: We are 'budak sekolah agama'. So, we have some advanced religious knowledge than 'budak sekolah biasa'. And when we saw someone did a mistake like in solat or aurat kan. There's always a voice in our head saying "Nak tegur ke tak nak?".

And it's harder if it's a stranger. Hardest if it's someone who is older than you.
And another voice came "Nanti dia fikir aku nak bajet pandai" or "Nanti dia fikir aku saja nak malukan dia"

And you end up.....

Not good. 
Siapa lagi nak tegur kalau bukan kita?!
But our mentality keeps us from it! Arggh! These voices are so freaking bad! Don't listen to them! Let the felling of guiltiness of not approaching the person haunts you~

"Nanti forever dia salah, SEBAB AKU TAK TEGUR.....pastu nanti aku kena soal kat akhirat....pastu..aku"

So, 'tegur' that person!

It's in the 5th place means they're not really haunted by this dilemma. That means........they do approach the people if they did a mistake OR they actually don't and think that this is not a thing to be concerned about (not good~). I'm not even sure.

Dan kalau nak tegur tu, tegurlah dengan berhikmah! Jangan main tegur melulu!

SIXTH~ (6 votes)
  • "Jadi harapan dalam kalangan family/saudara kerana satu-satunya belajar agama"

Komen: Wow! Berat ni! Alhamdulillah, Allah nak suruh kau bimbing family/ saudara-saudara kau tu.

It's really a big responsiblity especially when they put high hopes to you. The 6 person who votes for this are guys. And yes, men are meant to lead.

So, GANBATTE, guys! Lead them!

SEVENTH! (5 votes)

  • "Terasa sukar nak dakwah family/friends/saudara"
Komen: Almost the same with the above but, this one is somehow did out of responsibility and voluntarily and not because of high hopes people give. But, yeah it's almost the same. Dakwah memang kadang-kala agak sukar, especially to people who knows us. Especially when we are the ONLY ONE who is from 'sekolah agama'.

Be strong. Me, too, is facing this dilemma. And I find it hard. But I've tried, a bit and I'm still trying.

EIGTH... (2 votes)
  • "Terasa awkward di tempat awam bila pakai tudung labuh/jubah apatah lagi bila diperhati"
Komen: I thought many would choose this, but fortunately, just two votes. Ok, firstly, there's no need to be so awkward. Ok, yeah it's kinda awkward to wear those but try to think that "Kau tutup aurat, buat apa nak malu?". You should be PROUD!

  • "Kau?! Budak sekolah agama? Tak cayalah!
Komen: Ahah! Maybe it's the way you talk! Hey! Jangan mencarut! Improve your akhlak. Akhlak tu mencerminkan diri seseorang tu macam mana.

  • "Sukar untuk socialize, lagi-lagi dengan yang berlainan jantina"
Komen: Well, this one. It always happen with old friends, cousins, no matter same gender or opposite gender because of different backgrounds. 

But in the 'sekolah agama' circle, it's always with the opposite gender, well, to certain people because this one got only two votes.

It's good that 'sekolah agama' environment didn't affect our social life BUT I'm afraid that we became too social because of the limit of socializing with the opposite gender in the school. That's what usually happening in social webs. 

NINTH, AND LAST~ (1 vote)
  •  "Dipandang rendah, dicondemn dan yang sewaktu dengannya"
Komen: This only got one vote but still, we need to pay attention to it

Being condemned and underestimated by the community because we 'budak sekolah agama'? Just ignore them but if they condemn us because "Budak sekolah agama sekarang  ni sama je macam budak tak belajar dekat sekolah agama". Wohoh! That means we  really to fix our image as the people who are studying Islam. 

Not just fixing the image as a 'budak sekolah agama' but as a MUSLIM who is studying Qur'an, and Hadith! 

But there are 'budak sekolah agama' who is being underestimate by 'budak sekolah agama' themselves. True story, bro. This happens because of the judgement and impression towards a person. Not 'alim' and something like that. So immature...


Us, people around us and trend. That's what made us having these to face these dilemma. 

These days trend: fashion, entertainment, technology and ....bla bla bla. Most of it are against Islam's teachings. Too late. It's already become a part of our community's life.

People around us have been getting used to this trend and Islam's teachings become estranged

And we, 'budak sekolah agama' are trying to practice Islam in this community. But Islam is starting to secularize in our community without we realizing.

And we struggle, dilemmas come one by one. 

At the end, it all depend on ourselves and Allah. Our mentality, strength and faith.

And these dilemmas, shouldn't be faced by 'budak sekolah agama' only but by MUSLIMS. All Muslims suppose to sense this!

But Islam have been isolated day by day. 
So, it all goes to us 'budak sekolah agama' because we are still teenagers. Teenage is the age at its golden but many misused it to enjoy the worldly life.  

Teenagers are the hope of society, future's leaders. 

It all goes to us!  

Thanks for reading this decent post. Hope it's informational. Wassalam

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Well, Raya~

Ramadhan dah habis dah... 
entah dapat jumpa lagi ke dengan dia tahun depan...

Shawal dah datang balik. So,.....

Selamat Hari Raya!

As usual, let the pictures tell the story!

One happy family!

Kami lima beradik

Bak bidadari~

Di Kg. Bharu

So, dah makan sedap-sedap raya ni, jangan lupa puasa enam!

And a question! Which raya is the best? This year or last year? And why? In the comments section.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

When Will it End?

It's Ramadhan. Tapi...

Kekejaman, di Syria.

Protes, di Mesir

Tak berpenghujung, di Palestin

Dan banyak lagi, Libya, Morocco.....

It's been very long since it started. Since the Arab Spring.
Bashar's regime against his own citizens. Many lives have been taken. It's Ramadhan, but still, the brutality doesn't get any lesser.

When will it end? Only Allah knows.

Ketika Mubarak jatuh, dan Morsi mengambil alih, they thought they've achieve freedom and victory.

But...there are still minorities who don't want Morsi. Minorities? No one thought that...'ll happens once again, another revolution.

Jatuhnya Presiden Morsi. Diambil alih oleh Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi, digelar Firaun moden. Penyokong Morsi menentang pengambilalihan ini, memihak kepada Morsi. Lalu, revolusi, protes semakin berleluasa. 'Perang' berlaku di antara yang memihak dan yang menentang.

Makin banyak nyawa yang terkorban. Siapa yang akan menang?

Palestine, an open-air prisoner. Prisoner of the innocents. Caged by ruthless Zionists Israelis. Being bombed and shot for nothing. Being oppressed and lands taken.

Once, there were supply given by Egypt through Rafah and tunnels. That were the only connection they have with the outside world. But, since the fall of Morsi, the tunnels were collapsed, Rafah was closed by the Egyptians military themselves.

Now, they're stuck, lack of supply for oil, food and other basic needs.

But, Allah will always help his servants. Allah dah janji, Palestine will be free.

"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians" - Nelson Mandela

Tengok, orang kafir pun cakap macam tu.

May Allah bless them, especially in this holy month of Ramadhan. Grant them shahid, Ya Allah. They're my brothers. They're my sisters. May victory and happiness be granted for Your faithful servants.
Friends, let's pray for them. Doa itu senjata orang Islam. Orang kafir mana ada senjata ni.
Let's pray for them!!

Why I Wrote in English?

Sometimes, I wonder too. Some of my friends prefer if I wrote this blog in Malay.

"Oh, nak tunjuk terer English lah ni".
No way!

After I thought for a while. There are a few reasons why.

    • Saya?
I started blogging when I was 11. So, I use 'saya' which if I read back seems quite immature. It's ok if it's for telling story, but to tell about what's happening, what do you think, it doesn't seem right. 

Seriously, I facepalm everytime I read my old posts.

Ya Allah,Why did I wrote that in the first place! So, 'saya' is rejected. I don't remember when I last use 'saya'.

    • Aku..
'Aku' seems ok but....there are older readers who read my blog such as my elder brother and sometimes my elder sisters. And, 'aku' seems quite rude and harsh sometimes. If you read it, it seems like..not me. Well, I admit I use 'aku' when I converse, BUT only with my friends! And 'aku' doesn't seem rude if you use to teall stories

So, 'aku' is not used.

    • Kita, kita!
NO WAY! I'll never use that in a million years!!

    • Ana~
Mmmm, *cough* 

Eheh, I've thoughts of using this before but...eheh, ehehe. Rasa tak selesa sikit. Rasa 'baik' sangat padahal dekat luar tu cakap 'aku' juga. Rasa macam tak sesuai. 

    • I,
Yes, this is what I'm currently using right now. BUT! I don't want to use 'I' like..."I rasa you patut". Tak suka Campur-campur. Rosak bahasa.

AND that's why I wrote in English.

I'm trying to improve my English. Writing posts is like writing an essay right? Well, kinda.. But still, it quite improving my English, alhamdulillah~

  • WHO KNOWS...
Who knows my blog is being read by people from other countries. WHO KNOWS..maybe. Though it seems quite unlikely.

So, that's why I use English. To fulfill the reader's interest and to make them understand my posts, I only use simple English. Don't worry, I'm not really good in English.

I also put some 'Malay' words sometimes. There are also times I post in Malay.

........saya lah~!

So, I guess that's all for now. SALAM RAMADHAN! Don't be bothered by Raya yet! Ramadhan nangis kang...

