Wednesday, December 2, 2015

11 Tips to Hating Someone

Hey, ever wonder how to hate someone so good and so much?
  1. Be rude. That person would not like you too. Thus, he/she would stay as far away as possible from you.
  2. Be greater than the person. People say winning is the sweetest revenge.
  3. Annoy him/her. He/she might hate you even more than you do.
  4. Influence his/her friend that he/she is bad. With this way, you are able to take away the friends and gain support from them.
  5. Keep hating that it makes you annoyed even by looking at her/him smiling
  6. Keep hating that your heart hurts just by seeing her/him doing something nice.
  7. Hate her/him even more if they’re perfect.
  8. Hate them even worse if they’re not human
  9. If none of the tip works or applies, then my advice is stop it.
  10. Stop following the guide.
  11. Stop hating

Cause you know what, 

no matter how much you try to make someone look bad,

no matter how much you tried to beat them, in the end the hatred hurts you not them. 

It EATS YOU not them.

No matter how bad the person is, he/she is only a human. 

Hate the actions not the person. Now, istighfar ;)

P/S: Well, if that person is not a human, do tell me. I might call NASA or CIA. Or Sherlock.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Generalising? Not so Quick.

Orang Melayu ni banyak malas ah. Tak suka kerja you tau.

Chinese are all so arrogant. Don't nego with them, they all ni penipu je

Indians ni panas baran tau. Suka cari gaduh.

Oh orang Sabah eh? Ada internet ke kat sana?

Wahabi dah dia ni. Tengoklah statement dia...ape entah..

Bajet cakap omputeh. Sombong, lupa asal usul dah dia ni, BM kan ada...

Dan banyak lagiiiiii....


Tired of seeing and hearing all these stereotypes. It's never-ending and it might probably will never end cause, what power do we have to stop people's judgement and criticism? Barely. And the media, movies and social keep portraying all these stereotypes the same way.

We tend to generalise that all the Indians, all Malays and whoever are the same which led to the same treatment.

If you learn psychology, you will associate studies with generalisations a lot. To make it simple, you can't really generalise that everyone will act this way if they have this or that. This is due to individual differences.

Humans are so complex that there is no way that each and everyone of us will act the same way and have the same attitude towards a certain event.  In fact, there are variation of reaction and attitude that we express causing it very hard for psychologists to read, and determine whether, it is genuine or not, or does it affected by other factors and so many others lah.

In many experiments, the researchers have to conclude with a reduction and generalise to simplify their study. And for us to have better understanding about, us, generally. Although actually, humans are not that simple and can be affected by so many factors but of course, that will mess our heads up.

That is why I'm telling you, psychology is not as easy as you think. Humans are complicated, so do the subject. Thank you.

The same case with our stereotypes. Do you really think that anyone who said a particular stuff or act in a certain way is already considered Wahabi or Syiah? Do you really think that most Chinese are liars?  Do you really think that the uncivilised parts of Sabah you saw on TV are actually the whole Sabah? And do you really think that I am sombong and have forgotten my asal-usul because I spoke English?

Don't eat and swallow everything you saw, listen or grow up with. Do your research. It doesn't matter if it was told by your best friend, your ustaz, neighbours, or whoever. Well, yes, respect them. Listen to them, but that also does not mean that you have to accept the information as a whole. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Read, a lot. Listen to forums, debates and lectures. Refer and asked questions from the experts or from the one who knows better about a certain topic.
Interact and befriend with a lot of types people. You'll be surprised with how wonderful these people actually are.

It is important to open up your mind but that doesn't mean you have to accept every opinion. Hold on to your faith and principle as it is the base. Strengthen the base, and thus, you won't easily crumble. With a strong faith and principle, you won't be easily influenced by the stereotypes and negativity. Because of your faith, you have reasons to fight for what you are fighting for. It is not because of what people are going to say, but it is because of what you believe in and hold on to.

So people, don't generalise too quick. There are about 1.6 millions Muslims worldwide. So, if Muslims are terrorists, the world would probably end people. Same goes to the other ethnicity and races. Istighfar brothers and sisters. Don't get so quick on criticising. Be quick on action, for the betterment of all of us :)


Sunday, August 30, 2015

You Oh You

You thought showing off yourself will get you off from being left

You want to be amongst the known rather than being alone

People will not just know you, they want to BE you.

But then, you gasped. This is not what you want. This is what THEY want.

There were times you wish you never did this and that.

Times you wish you remain invisible and stay true to your principle.

But borders crossed. Ticked the time. Fated what have been written.

Now that you're here, don't disappear.

He brought you to it, now get through it!

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Serabut. Satu persatu mesej di dalam grup Whatsapp yang berjela itu ku baca.

Makin serabut.

Aku cuba memecahkan suasana yang genting itu dengan memberi pandangan dan pendapatku. Tiba-tiba, satu mesej private masuk.

Aku membuka dan membacanya berulang kali lalu terdiam. Aku memang sedang berdiam, mulutku tidak mengeluar bicara apapun dari tadi tetapi apa yang dimaksudkan ialah mindaku, yang sedang serabut dan rancak mencari solusi itu secara drastik bertukar kaku dan berdiam diri.

Aku membalas maaf dan maaf. Tapi dibalas pula dengan teguran yang sememangnya merobek emosi.

Kini, emosi pula yang serabut. Memang sepatutnya aku tidak masuk campur kerana aku tidak merasakan apa yang mereka rasakan. Kerana aku tidak faham.

Kerana aku tidak menjadi saksi.

Kerana aku tiada di situ.Tika sepatutnya aku ada.

Bukan kerana aku tidak mahu. Bukan kerana aku lari malah aku berkobar-kobar untuk bersama kalian.

Tapi Allah lebih tahu. Bukan rezeki aku. Abahku sayang untuk melepaskan sejauh itu. Tak, aku tak mengatakan bahawa abah-abahmu tidak menyayangi kalian. Malah, mungkin mereka percaya akan kalian untuk menjaga diri, bergerak sejauh itu demi sahabat yang baru kenalnya sebulan.

Aku renung kembali mesej itu. Air mataku tiba-tiba mengalir. Tanpa henti. Sudah lama ku tidak merasa begini.

Tak. Sahabat yang menegur itu tidak salah. Sememangnya aku yang bersalah untuk masuk campur tanpa aku ketahui apa sebenarnya yang terjadi.

Aku terus berdiam diri sejak itu.

Pelbagai grup Whatsapp telah aku left. Bukan merajuk tapi ingin menenangkan diri dari rasa cemburu dan imarah.

Ah mana tak cemburu melihat gambar kalian bergembira bersama berukhuwwah. Aku akui, cemburu itu membuak-buak membinasa diri.

Imarah itu pastinya ada terhadap individu tertentu tapi, kerana itu aku 'lari'. Kerana itu aku left. Kerana itu aku tiak berkata sepatah pun selepas itu. Takut api imarah itu membakar diri dan orang lain, memusnahkan hati-hati sahabat yang tidak bersalah.

Aku juga takut. Kerana aku takut sekali kalian benci pada aku terutama sekali engkau. Kerana apa? Kerana aku seperti mencampakkan tanggungjawabku ke tepi. Kepada engkau.

Kerana itu aku berdiam diri seketika. I was trying to make sense of everything.

Aku memohon maaf. Aku meminta maaf kalian. Walaupun sudah berlalu tapi aku takut masih ada dendam kesumat yang tersimpan terhadapku. Bukan hanya kerana kejadian itu, tapi juga untuk setiap saat antara kita.

Si engkau pun tiada dendam padaku walaupun selama ini aku hampir mengalami depresi kerana memikirkan salahku pada engkau. Bilaku memberanikan diri untuk akhirnya bertanya apakah engkau marah, kau menafikannya malah tergelak tawa saat kita bertemu pertama kali semenjak itu.

Aku menarik nafas tenang.

Kerana kemaafan engkau dan rahmatNya, aku kini tenang.

Dan sebenarnya, aku berharap sekali, tiada antara kalian terutama sekali engkau membaca luahan ku ini, kerana apa yang terjadi sudah pun terjadi dan aku malu.

Aku malu sekali.

Tapi, ku luahkan jua kerana sudah begitu lama ia terbuku antara aku dan Tuhan.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Just One of the Most Boring Moment Sabrina

 "Petaling. Petaling. Awasi langkah anda. Please mind your step." *along with the absolutely, painfully familiar,cheery background sound*

And the exact same phrase repeated every time the train stopped. I looked over my watch and unconciously shaking my legs, like they always do, whenever I'm turning impatient.

Sarah and Mawad has reached their destination long ago. Long before I exchanged trains at the KL Sentral. In fact, they never been in THIS one, this train I was boarding at that moment. I looked around, there were only unfamiliar, emotionless faces. Well, at least their faces are more interesting to looked at than the sight outside.

It's not like I didn't appreciate the scenery, but I've passed through these cities for countless times. You can't expect me to enjoy the same concrete scenery all over again.

There were some seniors whom I met at the program this morning, just beside me. Chatting random things that I've no interest in. They weren't ignoring me. It's just that I don't feel the need and desire to barge in and join the circle. More precisely, I don't really like to socialize. I rather isolate myself with a book or my phone, or simply doing nothing and daydream.

I'm not anti-social. I can talk when I need to, but I don't like socializing. I don't like talking at the cellphone. I don't like meeting strangers. And I hate noises, crowds and gossips. I rather do what I'm doing right now. Writing.

Yup. I'm freaking introvert.

But, my 'job' right now force me to overcome all of the things that I hated. Socialize, talking at the cellphone, meeting strangers and yeah, noises and crowds. So now, I'm a trained extrovert. Pretty much like that. Hah.

Back to the train.

I brought The Other Side of The Coin book; but I was tired that I don't feel like reading.
My Blackberry is going out of battery; better keep it for calling purposes.
I want to sleep so badly; but it was absolutely not comfortable for me to lean my head.

Thus, I was still wide awake, and pretty much 'enjoying' the scenery outside. And boredom started to creep in.

 "Seri Setia. Seri Setia. Awasi langkah anda. Please mind your step"

Thoughts and curiosity kicks in;

I wonder who's the woman who voices these phrases.

Is it her job? How much do they pay her then? And then the background sound? Do they rip it off from the internet? Or bought it? Or do they specially made the soundtrack for the KTM? Then how much do they pay for it? But seriously, they pay for such thing? 

The back ground sound, it consists of keyboard, drum and what else? Do they compose it to what the KTM Berhad wants or they just had some kind of unused rhymes or rhymes made if-anyone-is interested-to-buy somewhere in their folders, and they thought, "This sounds ok for, the train". Maybe the KTM Berhad buys it anyway and finally it got here together with the "Shah Alam, Shah Alam. Awasi langkah anda. Please mind your step."

Oh I've reached my destination. Ok then.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Hey Sabrina! - I Went to Cambodia

 Hi there Sabrina.

So, you heard about it. I went to Cambodia. With my new friends whom I knew from MHi. In case you don't have any idea about MHi, do scroll down to the previous post, if you're in absolute curiosity about what MHi is all about.

You've read it? Nice. Or you didn't?

Doesn't matter anyway. You're busy by the way. Kinda.

Ok. So. Sabrina, we went there on the 14th of January and stayed there for about 9 days. We stayed in a village called Kampung Keh. It was that short. Keh. Sounds like a sigh you made when you're fed up with this world!

Ok, ignore that. I know it doesn't sound like a sigh. Keh. Nah. No way. Just forget the fact that I've ever mention that.

No, no fancy hotels. We just stayed in wooden houses which are not that bad actually. It's so-village-like I don't know how to describe it. Maybe museum-like. Like it's wooden but it's fancy. Yeah.

The house I stayed. So village-like right?

Sabrina, living in the village was like living in Malaysia in the 60's. For my foster family, they still use coals and firewood instead of stove to cook. Seeing my foster mother going through hasty process just to cook made me feel guilty. Just imagine cooking two times a day, everyday with coals.

The 'stove'

Like come on, I got stove at my home and I still find myself reluctant to cook.

And she didn't cook simple dishes you know. They were marvelous, her dishes. I thought we might undergo some diet here. But no. They served like five choices of dishes per meal. Each and everyone of them tasted like heaven. I ended up came back to Malaysia fatter.

And yes for water supply. Instead of SYABAS (which is not around here, obviously
) we had wells. We also had proper toilet like we do in Malaysia, don't worry.

Here, it's not recommended for you to be out after 8, especially the ladies. Because it gets really dark here at night. Electricity? Yes, they do have electricity. But, only in their homes. And only a few bulbs. Torch lights are really needed at night or you won't see a thing. it was like the whole village is having a blackout.

Sabrina. Sleeping here was not as comfy as sleeping on your bed. Not at all. We slept on mats and below our houses were cows. Yes, cows but they didn't smell. Thank God. Alhamdulillah.

The main concern was the coldness, the breeze at night made us shiver every night although we didn't switch on the fan at all. Luckily we had blankets but they didn't help much. Really.

So what did we do there?

We cycled the treacherous roads around the village, we went to beach, we had a dip at the river, we ate free ice creams, we had Cambodian cool blog, we taught the Cambodian kids, we learned Cambodian language, we went to a creepy museum with really dark past, we ride all sorts of transportation in Cambodia, we chased chicks (literally chicks, the children to chicken), we peeled bags and bags of garlic, we visited the unfortunate, we took lots of selfies, we played with the Cambodian kids, cleaned the schoolss, we did a performance, we did a lot.

That creepy museum I'm talking about
Pinky cyclist. Come on, its the IBS shirt

The kids at my house
It took quite an effort to clean the whiteboard
There. The only girls.

I had a lot of fun. So Sabrina, I also hope you are having fun there. May your dreams come true ~ (Aahh, cheesy ending)

I don't know how many times your name were written Sabrina, but I will do as promised, inshaAllah. I told you writing needs the right time.

Yes, I miss you Sabrina. Duh.

Monday, January 12, 2015

28 Days of Lessons on Life

"Kau pergi mana sebenarnya?"

They kept asking me that.

"Kem MHi"

And most of them responded the same way.

"Apa tu? Malaysia Hari Ini. Haha"

I laughed along. 

"Madrasatul Hayah ikram. Kem sebulan for SPM leavers"

And the response this time are varied.

"Waah. Macam best je" 
"Oh, ikram ye"
"Buat apa je kat sana?"

And much more. Well, the answer?

It's not a camp. Nope. It's a school.
School that teaches me about life. (Nama pun sekolah kehidupan. Nampak tak permainannya)

  • D dan T 
Well MHi doesn't teach life as a whole but isnt tarbiyyah and da'wah (D&t) LIFE?

Before, I didn't take heed of D and T.

But here, I truly realized that, it's my mission. OUR mission.

During our street dakwah, I realized that there's a lot I need to learn. Really.

"I don't think Muhammad's advice is suitable to be practiced nowadays, in our modern age"

An Australian lady I approached mentioned it. I disagree but still, I couldn't give a solid answer to tackle that statement. I was pretty much disappointed with myself.
Which brings me to a conclusion that I need to truly understand and learn more about Islam and the current issues.

Street dakwah was absolutely an eye-opening experience.

And communicating skills, I need to sharpen it.

OUR MISSION, is on the move!

  • Ukhuwah
Here, I met all sorts of people. The commited, the emotional, the rebellious (kinda), the funny one, the serious, the quirky, the immature, the quiet ones and much much more.

With the fact that we're from different schools with very different personalities, we could actually bond really well. Sampai basah lemas dihanyut deras ukhuwah.

Sampai basah muka kerana deras air mata. Air mata perpisahan.

And the Whatsapp group will always be filled with notifications. They won't stop.
 Until when? We'll see.

But what's important is in the heart, not in the social media itself.

  • Skills
Cooking, sewing, self-defence, public speaking, debate, leadership, media, menari? Maybe.

Too many things were learned. Too much. Oh yes, we cook everything ourselves. We cooked for 100+ people. Yes, we did, EVERYDAY.

My group wasn't a good cook though, which includes me. 

And I didn't finish my public speaking. What a disappointment. Sabrina would be disappointed. 

  • Special Little Things
Ice cream motor, came by almost every evening. And I, always hope that someone will treat me one. And they always do.


P.O. Back to sunnah!

Makan dalam talam.

Help the flood victims in Perak.

And MHi 14/15 itself.

Thank you. Shukran. Arigato. Kamsahamida. Danke. Terima kasih. Alhamdulillah.

Berakhirlah suatu bab kehidupan. Ayuh buka lembar yang baru. :)

