Sunday, July 27, 2014

"The Best of All"

"Describe your Ramadhan"

This is it:

"Aku nak berangkat ni."

"Jap". Ku peluk erat sahabat lama ku itu.

'Eh, tak pernah-pernah peluk aku."

"Tahun ni, aku belajar macam-macam dari kau. Serius weh!"

Dia tersenyum. "Bukan aku aku yang ajar kau. Allah. Aku just dihantar ke sini untuk peringatkan korang je".

Namun, ku masih memegang erat tangannya. Berharap agar dia dapat tinggal lebih lama lagi.

"Dahlah. Syawal nak datang tu. Kau lepas ni jangan nakal-nakal bila aku dah takde ni."

Ku lepaskan tangannya. Perlahan-lahan, dia makin menjauh dariku. Yang ada di depan mata ku, "Wal. Ahlan.":)

Ku berbisik kepada diri, 'Moga aku kuat'.

*jujur dari hati yang tulus murni. Eceh.

Setakat ini, Ramadhan kali ini yang paling mendidik dan yang paling indah. Serius. May Allah bless.

And have a blast Eid everyone!

Friday, July 18, 2014


I'm feeling happy and ecstatic since... don't know since when

But when I reached home, open the Internet. My smile fades away.

And you know why.

What scares me more is, how more inhumane and terrifying the world can be when I grow up

When our generation the ones who are going to take over...

But just being afraid alone will not do much.
Let us all ponder for a while

What we must have by now:

  • Ambition
It doesn't have to be like an occupation, doctor etc. Dreams have no boundary. You can even dream to invade the world. Well, if you want to. 

  • Plans
Don't just dream and be ambitious. You have to plan how you're going to reach your ambition and stop being dependent on luck. Because luck don't really exist. 

  • Action! 
You have the target and the strategies (plans), so now all you have to do is to 'shoot'! It doesn't have to be a drastic act! One by one. Istiqamah. If your dreams are realised, try to have new ambition and goals. Or an endless dream. Entering His Jannah :)

Condolences and prayers for them and their family members.

And for a better world. 

Don't just tweet and share, PRAY!

#MH17 #PrayforGaza #PrayforBoth

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Truth is...


Dear Reader,

Whoever you are, if you turn out to know me in real life, please

Tell me if I did something really wrong

Instead of ignoring me

But silently punishing me by the mistakes I've done


Don't try to avoid me just because you don't to want be involved with a person like me

Who've done a mistake that you never tell I did

I'm just a normal human being, like you

Weak, like what's written in the Quran

In the Surah An-Nisa'

That's why my brothers and sisters

He created you and me

To support each other

So we won't go astray

You guide me and I'll guide you

In the best way, Muhammad S.A.W.'s way

But hey...

I can accept a direct critic right on my face

Though it might hurt a bit

Not a bit, a lot

Let it be, let me be

Let me feel the sensation of pain that I haven't feel for quite some time

Because with pain, I'll truly realize

Who I really am all this time

TRUTH hurts but hey, it is way better than LIES

