Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Stuff I Need on Holiday....


This stuff are the must-have stuff when I'm having a holiday or some-kind like that because I love to read books. Without it, I will feel very, very, very bored especially when the place I'm having a holiday is boring. So, each time my family planning to go holiday, I will make sure I have a book to bring with. And sometimes, I will buy a new book to bring with cause sometimes it's boring to bring novel that I've read before.Well, when I am having holiday at home, I really, really need book to read especially a long holiday like the 2-weeks holiday and end-of-the-year holiday. My favorite novel is Harry Potter. It is better than Meg Cabot's (which I like too). But the best book I've ever read is Quran. Well, that's all for now. WAssalam

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