It's Ramadhan. Tapi...
Kekejaman, di Syria.
Protes, di Mesir
Tak berpenghujung, di Palestin
Dan banyak lagi, Libya, Morocco.....
It's been very long since it started. Since the Arab Spring.
Bashar's regime against his own citizens. Many lives have been taken. It's Ramadhan, but still, the brutality doesn't get any lesser.
When will it end? Only Allah knows.
Ketika Mubarak jatuh, dan Morsi mengambil alih, they thought they've achieve freedom and victory.
But...there are still minorities who don't want Morsi. Minorities? No one thought that...'ll happens once again, another revolution.
Jatuhnya Presiden Morsi. Diambil alih oleh Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi, digelar Firaun moden. Penyokong Morsi menentang pengambilalihan ini, memihak kepada Morsi. Lalu, revolusi, protes semakin berleluasa. 'Perang' berlaku di antara yang memihak dan yang menentang.
Makin banyak nyawa yang terkorban. Siapa yang akan menang?
Palestine, an open-air prisoner. Prisoner of the innocents. Caged by ruthless Zionists Israelis. Being bombed and shot for nothing. Being oppressed and lands taken.
Once, there were supply given by Egypt through Rafah and tunnels. That were the only connection they have with the outside world. But, since the fall of Morsi, the tunnels were collapsed, Rafah was closed by the Egyptians military themselves.
Now, they're stuck, lack of supply for oil, food and other basic needs.
But, Allah will always help his servants. Allah dah janji, Palestine will be free.
"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians" - Nelson Mandela
Tengok, orang kafir pun cakap macam tu.
May Allah bless them, especially in this holy month of Ramadhan. Grant them shahid, Ya Allah. They're my brothers. They're my sisters. May victory and happiness be granted for Your faithful servants.
Friends, let's pray for them. Doa itu senjata orang Islam. Orang kafir mana ada senjata ni.
Kekejaman, di Syria.
Tak berpenghujung, di Palestin
Dan banyak lagi, Libya, Morocco.....
It's been very long since it started. Since the Arab Spring.
Bashar's regime against his own citizens. Many lives have been taken. It's Ramadhan, but still, the brutality doesn't get any lesser.
When will it end? Only Allah knows.
Ketika Mubarak jatuh, dan Morsi mengambil alih, they thought they've achieve freedom and victory.
But...there are still minorities who don't want Morsi. Minorities? No one thought that...'ll happens once again, another revolution.
Jatuhnya Presiden Morsi. Diambil alih oleh Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi, digelar Firaun moden. Penyokong Morsi menentang pengambilalihan ini, memihak kepada Morsi. Lalu, revolusi, protes semakin berleluasa. 'Perang' berlaku di antara yang memihak dan yang menentang.
Makin banyak nyawa yang terkorban. Siapa yang akan menang?
Palestine, an open-air prisoner. Prisoner of the innocents. Caged by ruthless Zionists Israelis. Being bombed and shot for nothing. Being oppressed and lands taken.
Once, there were supply given by Egypt through Rafah and tunnels. That were the only connection they have with the outside world. But, since the fall of Morsi, the tunnels were collapsed, Rafah was closed by the Egyptians military themselves.
Now, they're stuck, lack of supply for oil, food and other basic needs.
But, Allah will always help his servants. Allah dah janji, Palestine will be free.
"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of Palestinians" - Nelson Mandela
Tengok, orang kafir pun cakap macam tu.
May Allah bless them, especially in this holy month of Ramadhan. Grant them shahid, Ya Allah. They're my brothers. They're my sisters. May victory and happiness be granted for Your faithful servants.
Friends, let's pray for them. Doa itu senjata orang Islam. Orang kafir mana ada senjata ni.
Let's pray for them!!
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