"Kau pergi mana sebenarnya?"
They kept asking me that.
"Kem MHi"
And most of them responded the same way.
"Apa tu? Malaysia Hari Ini. Haha"
I laughed along.
"Madrasatul Hayah ikram. Kem sebulan for SPM leavers"
And the response this time are varied.
"Waah. Macam best je"
"Oh, ikram ye"
"Buat apa je kat sana?"
And much more. Well, the answer?
It's not a camp. Nope. It's a school.
School that teaches me about life. (Nama pun sekolah kehidupan. Nampak tak permainannya)
Before, I didn't take heed of D and T.
But here, I truly realized that, it's my mission. OUR mission.
During our street dakwah, I realized that there's a lot I need to learn. Really.
"I don't think Muhammad's advice is suitable to be practiced nowadays, in our modern age"
An Australian lady I approached mentioned it. I disagree but still, I couldn't give a solid answer to tackle that statement. I was pretty much disappointed with myself.
Which brings me to a conclusion that I need to truly understand and learn more about Islam and the current issues.
Street dakwah was absolutely an eye-opening experience.
And communicating skills, I need to sharpen it.
OUR MISSION, is on the move!
It's not a camp. Nope. It's a school.
School that teaches me about life. (Nama pun sekolah kehidupan. Nampak tak permainannya)
- D dan T
Before, I didn't take heed of D and T.
But here, I truly realized that, it's my mission. OUR mission.
During our street dakwah, I realized that there's a lot I need to learn. Really.
"I don't think Muhammad's advice is suitable to be practiced nowadays, in our modern age"
An Australian lady I approached mentioned it. I disagree but still, I couldn't give a solid answer to tackle that statement. I was pretty much disappointed with myself.
Which brings me to a conclusion that I need to truly understand and learn more about Islam and the current issues.
Street dakwah was absolutely an eye-opening experience.
And communicating skills, I need to sharpen it.
OUR MISSION, is on the move!
- Ukhuwah
Here, I met all sorts of people. The commited, the emotional, the rebellious (kinda), the funny one, the serious, the quirky, the immature, the quiet ones and much much more.
With the fact that we're from different schools with very different personalities, we could actually bond really well. Sampai basah lemas dihanyut deras ukhuwah.
Sampai basah muka kerana deras air mata. Air mata perpisahan.
Sampai basah muka kerana deras air mata. Air mata perpisahan.
And the Whatsapp group will always be filled with notifications. They won't stop.
Until when? We'll see.
But what's important is in the heart, not in the social media itself.
- Skills
Cooking, sewing, self-defence, public speaking, debate, leadership, media, menari? Maybe.
Too many things were learned. Too much. Oh yes, we cook everything ourselves. We cooked for 100+ people. Yes, we did, EVERYDAY.
My group wasn't a good cook though, which includes me.
And I didn't finish my public speaking. What a disappointment. Sabrina would be disappointed.
- Special Little Things
Ice cream motor, came by almost every evening. And I, always hope that someone will treat me one. And they always do.
P.O. Back to sunnah!
Makan dalam talam.
Help the flood victims in Perak.
And MHi 14/15 itself.
Thank you. Shukran. Arigato. Kamsahamida. Danke. Terima kasih. Alhamdulillah.
Berakhirlah suatu bab kehidupan. Ayuh buka lembar yang baru. :)

And MHi 14/15 itself.
Thank you. Shukran. Arigato. Kamsahamida. Danke. Terima kasih. Alhamdulillah.
Berakhirlah suatu bab kehidupan. Ayuh buka lembar yang baru. :)