Friday, August 17, 2012

The Real Raya

As we all know (walaupun pemegang mohor tak beritahu lagi), tomorrow, is the awaited day...
The most exciting day..
The day we unite (most of us) and celebrate together with our family and relatives...


Ei ul fitri is coming our way, BUT, are we qualified enough to celebrate it?

According to Wikipedia what've I learned, Eidul fitri means 'perayaan fitrah'. Perayaan kembali kepada fitrah yang suci dari dosa setelah berlalunya Ramadahan.

That means we are celebrating Raya if we succeeded it. Succeed to purify ourselves from sins during Ramadhan.

But,it's not that easy. Yeah, it's hard. To cleanse our heart, zero-sin? It's hard. But it's not impossible.
Change slowly. No human being is perfect like Rasulullah S.A.W. If we can't be the best, be better.

Let's say for example, you're a bad tempered-person. And during Ramadhan you determined to change for Allah, you don't want to be a such bad tempered person. You change and you never again want to become a bad-tempered person, like, forever.

So, somehow, that shows you've become a better person. Ramadhan taught you something.

It's okay if you can't be like an imam or ustaz or something like that.

As long as we got some benefit from Ramadhan, and become yet a better servant, we are probably qualified enough to celebrate Eidul fitri. Right?

And have I learned something from Ramadhan? Do I make a better change for Him?

Maybe, a bit. Trial PMR studies somehow distracted me. But I can't blame it right...

And my Eid won't be fun because I got PMR to focus to and Ayah Haji kata raya tahun ni sehari je. Lepas tu sambung belajar, dalam bilik kurungkan diri. Haha, no way! But I have to yes way!

So,that's all. Renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal! Selamat Hari Raya! Sambut raya berpada-pada. Ingat orang yang kurang bernasib baik kat tempat lain.

Ok, bye. nak tolong kat dapur! Assalamualaikum!

Friday, August 10, 2012


TRIAL, mission accomplished!
PMR, not accomplished yet...
Ramadhan, it just started...rite.. but..there's only 10 days left?!

It's Ramadhan, it's August and wow! It have been three months since I wrote the last post.

Cannot blogging too much, I'm a PMR candidate.
So, I have to act like one.

Ramadhan, a month so full of blessings and the right month to focus more and double up our deeds to Allah.
But, since my trial happened at this month, I'm interrupted.
I kept focusing more on studies for the trial and yeah, what a shame on me.

O Allah, forgive me for being such a neglectful servant.

And since the trial had just finished, time for 'payback' time!
Appreciate the freedomness to focus and double up the deeds for the last 10 nights! 
Let's accomplished it!

