Dalam kepanasan tengahari, aku bersembang dengan teman-temanku sambil didinginkan dengan kipas yang berhabuk. Tiba-tiba, irama daripada radio (asrama punyer) memecah sunyi kawasan asramaku ini. Namun, aku hanya khusyuk dan setia mendengar cerita temanku itu
(apa kaitan semua ni dengan Maher Zain?). Tiba-tiba, lagu Maher Zain, For the Rest of My Life pula dimainkan daripada radio tadi. Itulah lagu Maher Zain pertama yang aku dengari. Namun, aku hanya buat selamba (bak kata CoachRidz) kerana aku memang tidak tahu apa-apa pun pasal lagu tu. Tak pernah dengar, tak tahu siapa yang nyanyi, tak tahu tajuknya.
Aku meminta temanku meneruskan ceritanya, namun dia khusyuk menyanyi lagu tersebut. Lalu, dia menceritakan tentang penyanyi lagu tersebut, Maher Zain. Di situlah aku mula-mula mengenali beliau.
Sekarang, hampir satu Malaysia mengenali beliau. Radio IKIM hari-hari mainkan lagu Maher Zain. Kedai-kedai CD dekat PKNS mainkan lagu Maher Zain. Pergi kenduri mainkan lagu Barakallah. Dekat TV ada muka dia je, nasib baik dekat TV9 je. Budak kecik pun hafal lagu dia sepertimana dalam satu video yang pernah saya tonton. Dan pernah suatu hari, kakakku pergi ke rumah ibu saudaraku. Rumah ibu saudaraku itu bersebelahan dengan sebuah tadika. Lalu, kakakku terdengar kanak-kanak dari tadika itu menyanyi lagu InshaAllah bersama-sama.
Inilah fenomena Maher Zain.
Tapi, ini tak bermakna aku menyampah dengan semua ni, I'm his fan too but not so much! Cuma, tertanya-tanya, akan adakah penyanyi nasyid Malaysia yang mampu menandingi kemerduan dan kehebatan Maher Zain? Just wait and see....
I miss the old Raihan. Raihan, who is that? Your friend? No, Raihan is a nasheed group that was very famous years ago and they still singing right now but not as famous as years ago. But they still famous at the overseas. Well, why they are not so famous as it was years ago? Because Nazrey Johani, the leader, left the group for a few reasons. I don't even know why but I felt a bit sad at that time. He is the 'ayam tambatan' of the group. He has the best voice among all his teammate.
Why I love the old Raihan is because it have Nazrey Johani and also teaches me and other children a lot of things. With their songs, I can memorize all 25 prophets through 25 Rasul song. All !0 malaikat through '10 Malaikat'. And lots of their songs influenced our life.
Every time I heard Raihan's song, I felt nostalgic because I always hear their song when I was still cute and chubby, oops, I mean when I was still in kindergarten. I love their song very much. I like to sing them like I like to sing Maher Zain's song now. I will always remember their songs.
Bye, need to go breakfast now.Wassalam.
It have been a long time I didn't update my blog. Busy with so many things. Exams, homeworks and lots of other things. Well, I live in hostel. No wonder.
You know, sometimes, when I'm alone or in the car, I will imagine so many things. What I will be on the future, how grateful I am, what I wanna do one day and many things. Well, the thing that I always wanna do is..to write a book.A story. A story that can change people's perspectives and beliefs. Not a motivation book.No. I wanna write a novel because people interested to read novels than motivation books. BUT.... can I?
Well I need to study hard in BM and Islamic Studies then.
Sometimes I write poem, but never finished. Why? Because I got blank after I wrote a few sentences. Confused.
Well, that's my story for now.